
Rekdal, Paisley. West: A Translation. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2023.


Appeared in the exhibition The Place Where Clouds Are Formed, on display at The Poetry Center and The Center for Creative Photography from April 4 - August 31, 2024.


Seamus Heaney reads from Death of a Naturalist (1966), Door into the Dark (1969), Wintering Out (1972), North (1975), Field Work (1979), and Sweeney Astray (1983). The reading also features Heaney's lively banter.


Ellen Bryant Voigt reads what she describes as future work: poems from a manuscript that would be published two years after her reading as The Lotus Flowers.


In this reading at Pima Community College, Ai reads poems that would later be collected in Cruelty (1973), some of which differ from the published versions. She also reads several poems that would remain uncollected and talks about her experiences in graduate school.


William Kloefkorn reads from Uncertain the Final Run to Winter (1974), Alvin Turner As Farmer (1974), loony (1975), ludi jr (1976), Stocker (1978), Leaving Town (1979), and Not Such a Bad Place to Be (1980).

Poetry Center

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