Jenny Boully reads excerpts from of the mismatched teacups, of the single-serving spoon (2012) and not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them (2011), as well as new and uncollected work. This reading was given as part of the Hybrid Writing Series, co-sponsored by the UA Prose Series.
Catherine Wing reads from her book Enter Invisible (2005), as well as poems which would later be collected in Gin & Bleach (2012). This reading was originally given with Sawako Nakayasu and Deborah Bernhardt as part of the Next Word in Poetry Series.
Jane Miller opens her reading with "Miami Heart" and "The Poet," both from Memory at These Speeds: New and Selected Poems (1996). She continues with work from Wherever You Lay Your Head, published in 1999. This reading was originally given with Eleni Sikelianos.